Three pieces for four timpani I 2007 I urbana 5-b I september 8, 2007 a Guillaume Lantonnet and Jean Geoffroy

This work is an emanation of Obertura Urbana, concerto for bandoneon and orchestra (Urbana 4) from which I extracted the timpani part of the first movement that became the first of these three pieces and has been the starting point of a new work .

These pieces constitute a journey between rhythm and timbre through the glissando.

It is a way to go from something neat to something fuzzy, from the epic to the cute. From imposing superficiality to an origin. They are a look at the dispersion of energy in time. A way to question security and reveal the intimate.

They are a progressive way of privileging fragility. A diminuendo.

Recording date I  11.05.2014
Place I Auditorium Eduardo del Pueyo CSMA
City I Zaragoza I Spain

Music I Urbana 5-II I Trois pièces pour 4 Timbales
Autor I Luis Naón
Catalogue I Timpani I Advanced percussion

Production I Cátedra de Percusiones CSMA
Realization I Cátedra de Percusiones CSMA
Recording Edition I Guifré Balasch Ambrós
Direction I Cátedra de Percusiones CSMA

Cátedra de Percusión I Percusiones del CSMA
Percussion Chair I César Peris I Lucía Carro I Francisco Inglés

Performed by I Guifré Balasch Ambrós

Luis Naón

Born in La Plata, Argentina, in 1961. Studied music at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Universidad Católica Argentina in Buenos Aires then at the CNSM in Paris with Guy Reibel, Laurent Cuniot, Daniel Teruggi, Sergio Ortega and Horacio Vaggione . Since 1991 professor of Composition and New Technologies at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris.

Since that which we can consider his first work, Final del Juego for septet and magnetic tape (created at Studio 105 of Radio France in 1983) he has sought to implement (to compose) this dual relationship, born from his experience of the music produced in the studio and its dual cultural affiliation which emerge in different forms:

Artistic disciplines (painting-theater-music-architecture) implementing a close collaboration with a plastic artist, Abel Robino, with whom several mixed installations have been produced since 1997. Collaborates since 1995 with François Wastiaux and the Compagnie Valsez Cassis for several shows and stage music among which we can quote Hamlet, Le bagne (by Jean Genet), Requiem for a Chinese Bookmaker (free adaptation of the film by John Cassavetes) Les Parapazzi (by Yves Pagès) in several French national scenes, at the Festival d ‘ Avignon and the Teatro Colon (Buenos Aires)