Zonnen 4.4 2019-2020

The latest compositions by the German creator and composer Michael Maierohf are immersed in a sign language designed for sonic electric instruments and different surfaces. His music organized by him without tonal range allows him to work with instruments, objects, preparations, applications, oscillating systems and motors.

He conducts explorations and investigations of longitudinal wave phenomena in nylon strings, nuances in stringed instruments, friction in different structured surfaces, and develops the activation of instruments and objects by mechanical and sonic motors.

Recording date I  21.05.2021
Place I ETOPIA Centro de arte y Tecnología de Zaragoza
City I Zaragoza-Spain

Music I Zonnen 4.4 I 2019/20 I teaser excerpts
Autor I Michael Maierhof
Catalogue I Percussion quartet I Experimental percussion

Production I Percusiones del CSMA
Realization I Percusiones del CSMA
Recording Edition I Santiago Latorre -ETOPIA-
Direction I César Peris

Cátedra de Percusión I Percusiones del CSMA
Percussion Chair  I César Peris I Lucía Carro I Francisco Inglés

Performed by I  Percusiones del CSMA I Aragon Percussion group Conservatorium of Music  I CSMA Percussion Team I Pablo Mena Escudero, César Peris Escrich, Martí Cònsul Massana, Adrián Fuentes Gómez

Michael Maierhof
Maierhof resides in Hamburg. He studied mathematics and music in Kassel and philosophy and art history in Hamburg. He was visiting professor at Trinity College, Dublin, at the Stuttgart Academy of Music, at the California Institute of the Arts, in Los Angeles, at Mozarteum Salzburg and at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijng-China, at the University of Freiburg or recently at the University of Cordoba / Argentina.